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Socialist feminists v revolutionary feminists


“We were fairly dismissive of but only politically, not personally, we all knew and I thought got on reasonably well with them, so it was a strange dichotomy. Jackie Atkins was a , , she’d argued for years in the about and sexuality, but she was one of the few who had good contacts and friendships with the women who were . She wasn’t afraid to speak out; there’s an interesting letter by Jackie in the - ‘I feel a concerted attack by a vocal minority will occur, there are sisters who don’t want to co-exist with us, who think they are the real guardians of feminist politics, who judge other women’s feminism, who don’t create space for others, and yet, are a small minority’. It’s a good feel of how it must have been for the point of view of other women and we did get a certain amount of flack. We were fairly cocooned in our little group, which was broader than people would expect, it wasn’t just a group of committed , and we were committed to developing a different view of feminism and lesbianism”.

Contributed by: Trisha McCabe, 51

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