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Lesbian Mothers


260 Lesbian Mothers
Trisha got together with Jackie (Atkins) around 1988/9; they bought their first house together in 1990. “The first thing she said to me was ‘You’re not going to have kids are you, or I’m off!?’ Jackie had kids who had by then grown up, but didn’t particularly identify as a , though she’s quite an active grandmother. Some of the women in our group had kids but I don’t remember it being an issue, whereas there were some women whose identity was all about being , and they often felt they didn’t get support, especially around the boy children, which caused them immense trouble. The in Birmingham was initially kicked off by the , so the focus was on motherhood and having kids, but we weren’t terribly interested in all that, and it was well before lesbians started having kids on a significant level so we saw it as a hangover from your previous life.”

Contributed by: Trisha McCabe, 51

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