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Lots happening for lesbians in the 1980s


Betty ‘’ (after Henrietta the Engine in Thomas the Tank Engine) had a logo with this train on it that somebody created. Catherine M was involved, the moving light in that was Liz Davidge.”

Gill: “This was back around the same time as we used to have community discos at , which weren’t specifically lesbian, but it was very much a thing ‘cos Liz Davidge was with Lynne then and they were living on Tindal Street. In those days it was possible to get funding from the to have events like and things, and I think they got funding for a couple of years to run [lesbian social events. And there were conferences, I remember something at St Pauls, where there were all sorts of different groups.”

Betty: “There were all sorts of things; a workshop on erotic writing, a workshop on lesbians with a which ended up in the sports hut.”

Betty: “I got involved to some extent with ’s lesbian and gay thing, because they sent me off to some weekend conference in Scotland on lesbian and gay issues.”

Contributed by: Gill Coffin, 63, Betty Hagglund, 50

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