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Birmingham Lesbian Song c.1978


by , Lorna Eady and (local group ‘’) - to be sung to the tune of ‘Lily Marlene’

I brought up my family, I left my old man
And then set up house with my lover Suzanne
Me and the kids were as happy can be
And then my old man wanted custody.

These men and the system won’t let me
Choose how I want my life to be
I will define my sexuality

I went to a dance to see all my friends
Dancing together we didn’t need men
Then some letching man grabbed me and said
“Don’t you dance with women, come with me instead.”

I went for a job, I told them I was gay,
They looked at me with total dismay
I’ve had hundreds of interviews, I wasn’t surprised
Women’s love for women must not be disguised.

I developed an itch I couldn’t explain
The doctor he called it a women’s complaint
He said “How’s your sex life, do you love your man?”
I said “Doctor, it’s great I’m a lesbian”

When I came out at home there was a terrible row
Mt father said “Get out, go on leave now”
He said “I hate perverts, you know that’s true”
My mother said “But dear I’m a lesbian too”

We’re coming out from the closets and on to the streets
When women get together, we cannot be beat.
Living without the approval of men
Sisters we’re waiting, ‘cos we know you can.

Final chorus
So you see sisters why we must be free
To choose how we want our lives to be,

Contributed by: Caroline Hutton, 51, Betty Hagglund, 50

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