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Rainbow Voices is vitally important


(LGBT () is vitally important, I had stopped identifying as a lesbian some time previously. I was dragged there kicking and screaming by another prominent Birmingham lesbian on the basis of my previous musical career as a singer, so I got stuck in, and had a lovely time. Unfortunately because our director who was not a well man, given to fits of hysterics there were dramas, and because I wasn’t working I could participate in the drama, if I’d been working I think I’d have had to quit – but there were highly sexualised arguments. There was a women's group, which I sort of ran musically, we were meeting and rehearsing separately, and there were tensions within the men, and tensions, within the women, and the atmosphere did get ‘overheated’ which was very unfortunate.

Now it has all calmed down and just become a gay which everyone can enjoy, which is a great relief. We did some wonderful performances where we achieved things which I couldn’t imagine, given we weren’t auditioned, anyone could come whether they could sing or not, we achieved some wonderful results, we did the Faure’s Requiem, and Mozart’s Requiem and a few other amazing works of that kind. We had a wonderful time and we did some wonderful performances and I was allowed to solo a great deal, and I remember singing a song I had written in the late 70s, called ‘Shining Woman’ when I was still very much a lesbian, a lesbian love song, and soloed that a couple of times at concerts”.

Contributed by: Belinda, 60

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