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Loss of political ‘umph’ in the 2000s


“What I miss now is that sense of social cohesion. We were all interested in the same thing, we all felt that we were doing things for a purpose and being lesbian was political as well. Feminism was still really strong. There was a bit of divisiveness between people who had come into lesbianism through the feminist movement, and people who were lesbians, but were also feminists. I did come to feminism through realising I was a lesbian, not the other way round, but I was definitely there with all the causes we were fighting”.

“I find that lack of politics a bit dispiriting now, though it is there with , but it doesn’t feel radical and dangerous any more. You get older, we were all dirt poor, I was on the dole from 85 -87, I spent my time being radical and getting drunk, but there were always things going on, to get involved with, meetings, marches. It seems to have lost its ‘umphhh’. There is the pink pound, things have got better”.

  ere is the pink pound, things have got tter”.t better”.

Contributed by: Inge Thornton, 46

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