Experiences working in the Police in 1997
"In 1997, the first tutor I
had on the streets was a bit old-school. There was a gay sauna on our area and
he made a few comments about it. He said 'There's puffters in there. That's
where the puffters go. He didn't actually know that I was gay at the time. I
became quite paranoid. I think that really affected my confidence within the
job. It was hard enough dealing with the people that we deal with and fighting
battles on two different levels. I was described as being quite quiet and
introverted which wasn't me. I didn't know how to act. I thought ‘How do I act
in this environment? What am I supposed to do?’ If I say too much I might give
myself away or out myself. It was quite difficult."
Contributed by: Derek, 35