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Memories by Will

Realising I was gay

Realising I was gay"I realised I was gay about 14, that rush of hormones when you hit puberty. I started fancying guys and thought I would grow out of it. It's a bit weird; you get all these feelings and are not sure.""I came out aged about 19 (1993)...


"Unfortunately when I was 21 (1995) I was attacked by a guy, it really traumatised me. I came back to stay with my parents and I told them I was gay"....

A big city is anonymous

"I moved to Birmingham to be in a bigger city, in Grimsby there was no gay life. A big city is a new place where no one knows me and I can be myself". Will, on moving to Birmingham in 1995, aged 21....

Homophobia from Black youths

Will (who is mixed race) talks about the homophobia he has experienced from black people. "To be honest the only homophobia I've experienced has been from black youths, they are the ones that hate the fact gay people exist and they verbalise that hat...

Being outed at work

"Coming out at work was something I felt I had to do, I'd come out to my parents and it was like a next phase. This is who I am I don't want to go under a false pretence. I did not know who to do, what was the best way, in the end I just dropped a hi...