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Events tagged with "lesbian feminists"

Fashion and identity as statement

Many lesbian and gay people have used clothing and fashion as a means of self expression, as a political or cultural statement, to create a new identity or to show membership of the LG community or sector of the community. The Women's Liberation Mov...


These days, we refer with ease to 'lesbians' and 'gay men'. These terms separately and together are widely used within and outside the LGB community. However, even within the seventy years covered by the memories from our contributors, a variety of t...

Women's (feminist) groups and organisations

During the seventies and eighties a large number of women's groups and organisations were set up in Birmingham, which took up, discussed, campaigned, fund-raised, or carried out direct actions on a very wide range of issues. Some were directly about ...

Women's Liberation Conference 1978 Birmingham

The last ever national Women's Liberation Conference was held in Birmingham in April 1978 at Ladywood School. The motion to have a separate freestanding seventh demand of the Women's Liberation Movement, 'An end to discrimination against lesbians', w...