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Being outed at work


"Coming out at work was something I felt I had to do, I'd come out to my parents and it was like a next phase. This is who I am I don't want to go under a false pretence. I did not know who to do, what was the best way, in the end I just dropped a hint to someone. In the end it was in a totally unexpected way, there was a guy at work who was quite bolshie and supposedly straight, a ladies' man and he actually outed me. He found out and when I came in to do a shift I went to the canteen and he shouted 'Oh hiya homosexual', in front of everyone, I just froze. The supervisor told him it was really out of order. I was so angry. I took it up with my manager and nothing was done, she was quite homophobic as well." (1990s)

Contributed by: Will, 33

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