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The problem of lesbian youth workers…


“The Chair of the London Union of who later became Vice Chair of the National Association of Youth Clubs was a really nice woman and had a very healthy attitude - she was straight but her mother had been a lesbian and had gone out with Vita Sackville-West! I got to know her and went to see her at her country house estate near Melton Mowbray (Prince Charles used to ride there) and it turned out I was knocking at the gate house, the house was three quarters of a mile up the path. I was at the London Union of Youth Clubs Management Committee and someone round the table raised ‘The problem of lesbians in the youth service’, and she said, ‘Yes I agree, it’s a big problem, why aren’t there more of them….?’ I wanted to die, I was so happy, and the guy who’d asked the question was just floored completely. There was a big issue, probably a lot of other people thought it was really shocking, all these lesbians doing single sex work with young women, we were quite naïve. We were doing it for political reasons, not sexual, but when you think about it now…".

Contributed by: Trisha McCabe, 51

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