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Massive change in Village since 1990


Mike described the change in the social side in Birmingham since 1990. He felt that there had been a "massive change", referring again to the "two gay basement bars (The and one gay club ()" around when he first arrived in 1987, although he thought there was another bar in the basement of a hotel in the city centre just off New Street called (1), opposite the "That was trying to be a gay bar as well but because of its location, it didn't succeed". There was another Peacocks 2 at a later date near the . He wasn't impressed by the social scene and didn't go to which "had a bit of a reputation for being slightly rough." He went to the main gay bar which was The which was packed on a Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday night. "It was wall-to-wall. You couldn't move."

Contributed by: Mike

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