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Coming out to family in 1993


"I didn't do anything of a sexual nature until I was about 20, and moved out of home around 21. When I was on holiday in America I realised I can't go on living this lie pretending I've got a girlfriend. I'm no good at lying and it's not who I am. So when I was 21 I came out to my mum. Then my mum told my dad who told my sister. My mum and sisters were crying, crying because they thought I was going to have this terrible life. I said ‘What you crying for?’ I expected a bad reaction, I wasn't quite sure what I'd get. I kind of anticipated a bad reaction that's why I moved out of home. There was a song by Erasure called ‘Hide Away’ - it was a coming out song. It was quite poignant for me”.

Contributed by: Derek, 35

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