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College: Well of Loneliness 1963


Pam went to the College of Remedial Gymnasts (now Physiotherapy), at Pinderfields Hospital in Wakefield, in January 1963 (aged 19). She was aware of other lesbian students; when she started two girls in her senior year were in a relationship; staff and some very heterosexual students found it quite shocking. In the second year she had a relationship with a girl in the first year for about 12 months, (who later got married). Pam could pinpoint a couple of other students who might turn out to be gay. ‘Have you read The Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall?’ was a chat up line. If they said, ‘What?, you left it but if they said, “Yes - that was good’, you might pursue it a bit further. Being engrossed in her studies and career she didn’t have any lasting relationships until she came back to Birmingham in 1966, just turned 23.

Contributed by: Pam Hudson, 63

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