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Gay History Course - Richard Dyer 1986


- Richard Dyer 1986:
“I was in a lesbian and class in 1986 in Birmingham, led by Richard Dyer (Warwick University) and Jackie Stacy (later Lancaster University). Everyone knew Richard. They’d never taught it before, so it was an experiment in putting it together for a WEA course, run at the . The (WEA) did the paperwork. There were a dozen of us, but an interesting opportunity to think, and the great thought I had, was that our search for lesbian and gay role models in history is a hard one because if someone was lesbian and gay it was in a very different way from now, it was something very transgressive and they would have done their damnest to cover their tracks, so let's not get wound up about it, but it was interesting to think about it, rather than think ‘Were they or weren’t they?’”.

Contributed by: Caroline Hutton, 51

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