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The smell of gas


Alan, a former Nightingale Club chairman recalls, “The club stayed at Witton Lane until 1981, then moved into the city centre, as we knew it was only a matter of time before someone decided to open a rival venue in the city centre and we knew this would affect trade. A club did open in an old church on Inge Street, called the Venus Club, this club managed to stay open until 3:00 a.m. and when we questioned the Police they told us not to make waves! The club was connected to the infamous Gary Owen Club in Small Heath”

The Nightingale was re-opened on Thorp Street in 1981 by Quentin Crisp, on the opening night a canister of chemical was released in the club. The gas was found to have been manufactured in West Bromwich, and was the odour added to natural gas to make it smell. The club was evacuated and it was suspected someone from the Venus Club was behind this.

Contributed by: Alan 2, 60

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