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Straight Living


Paul, was born in 1964 and trained as a pharmacist. He moved to Birmingham in 1984 aged 20, because his wife came here for a course. He thought he was gay when younger but came from a religious fundamentalist family and knew his family wouldn’t accept him as gay. He even told his future wife he had feelings for men, they were both young, didn’t realise implications, thought it would go away. He got married, had a son (now 14) and progressively realised he would have to face up to it, so in 1994, after nine years he decided to leave his wife to live as a gay man, his son was still a baby so would be less traumatised than if he waited. Paul was Assistant Manager at Wolverhampton Boots Chemist at time. He still sees his son, and has a good relationship.

Contributed by: Paul, 45

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