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Our Quaker Friends cherished us


Gill and Betty are both .
Gill: “In the mid ‘90s when we (their Quaker meeting) had some discussions around sexuality at a discussion group, they were really very keen that Betty and I should have a proper …”
Betty: “…and we didn’t want one at that point.”
G: “Betty’s kids were too young. They weren’t able to handle it, it was too embarrassing for them. They’re absolutely fine now, they treat us as a couple. We had this on 25th June 2005, before s. We haven’t done our civil partnership for various complications like not being able to find Betty’s divorce papers, but the kids refer to it as, 'I remember at your wedding'".
B: “We brought it up at the business meeting a few months before, about March or April, and said we’d like to do this and there was such enthusiasm and on the day everybody was there, somebody had made us a book for everybody to sign, somebody did masses of catering, somebody did all the washing up, people came to put up the Marquee, people came to arrange the chairs, somebody bought flowers from their gardens.”
G: “Yes, things that we hadn’t even expected like bringing flowers, all sorts of things.”
B: “Pam brought 6 little bouquets so we felt absolutely cherished didn’t we?”
B:” And there’s nobody in a meeting which I can think of who’s anything other than fine.”

Contributed by: Gill Coffin, 63, Betty Hagglund, 50

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