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Important role of the Nightingale


“The big picture in Birmingham is the presence of The and its history. It was established with a constitution like a working men’s club, by and for its members, for 30 years or more. It acquired its name from a former Indian restaurant, on the site in Camp Hill. Crucial was acquiring a liquor licence, and then Thorp Street, which is now the Ballet School. It has quite a colourful history. With the exception of a couple, most managers have parted under a cloud of financial impropriety. It is part of the history of the gay scene, but incredibly important as a safe space for gay and transgendered people. I’m convinced that the () model of co-operative ownership has got a different motive from pure profit, which has enabled it to do important things, e.g. I don’t believe would be where it is now without the involvement of The Nightingale. The Nightingale has had an important role”.

Contributed by: Steve Bedser, 41

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