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Events tagged with "DV8"


Dance club situated on Lower Essex Street. Opened in 1999, although before opening as DV8 the premises formed part of an audacious bid by Bill Gavan in to buy out the Nightingale club and create a large gay entertainment complex on Kent Street. The c...

Nightingale Essex House

The Nightingale decided it wanted to expand, but the Thorp Street site was hemmed in by the Hippodrome Theatre who had plans to expand themselves. The club decided to sell the Thorp Street venue to the theatre and began the hunt for new premises. The...

Memories tagged with "DV8"

Bar staff nice at DV8

Becky says the bar staff in DV8 “were really nice; always really busy. They never used to have enough bar staff in there so they were serving people really speedily. You used to have to wait ages for a drink. The people on the door were always really...

DV8 in the mid 00s

Becky says “DV8 was even more studenty. It was a more chilled out, studenty version of The Gale (Nightingale). The Gale has a more ‘Euro-poppy’ commercial kind of look to and feel to it. It was really obviously that they were trying to be really span...

Twiggy at DV8

Twiggy started at DV8, nearly four and a half years ago. "I've seen that change and they are quite staunch on the door, there's a big sign saying 'This is a gay club', and they have to deal with me on the cash desk, I'm normally about 8 foot tall whe...

Twiggy like a weird muppet

Becky describes ‘Twiggy’. “Twiggy, the strangely dressed, quite often in heels kind of welcomer to DV8 club. Twiggy would talk to people in the queue, would chat to people as they came in, have jokes with people, just have a laugh really, kind of be ...