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HIV awareness training


Trevor then got a job as a trainer with Social Services as training officer. His job was to provide awareness training for staff from Directors to home care staff. One course he delivered so convinced them that other issues which needed addressing, such as equal opportunities and people living with , that they started running sexuality awareness courses. The training included getting people to touch condoms, and to try to get staff desensitised to other people’s sexual behaviour. There was varied reaction from staff but unfortunately one home carer made a formal complaint, accusing Trevor of peddling filth., but the complaint didn’t get very far. Nonetheless Trevor preferred the home carers as a group, who were more likely to be honest, whereas the social workers had the right language and knew what to say, which didn’t mean that they meant it.

After three years, Sandwell created a new post of HIV worker. Trevor wasn’t qualified so they agreed to give him CQSW training but then the funding was cut and although he was doing the work, he didn’t receive the training. He saw more cuts coming, and knew his job would go, so he left in 1997.

HIV/AIDS funding gone

Trevor continues,” The halcyon days of funding are gone. There aren’t many HIV workers now. They were falling over each other in the late eighties. It’s all changed since then. There is less advertising and terrifying amounts of ignorance now. In the eighties and nineties there was recognition, but like the Forth Road Bridge you must continually educate. The sad thing is that the politicians thought they could take the funding away because they thought that they had educated everyone.

Contributed by: Trevor Sword, 50

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