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Events tagged with "Catholic"


Religion has played an important role in the lives of lesbians and gay men in a variety of ways. Three main areas are covered in the memories from contributors and associated events. Firstly, for many people, the religious and cultural traditions in...

Memories tagged with "Catholic"

1977 Womens Liberation Songbook - like gold!

“I have this memory of conferences and things in other bits of the country ending with people singing. Always ‘Bridget O’Reilly’ among others which was the anti Catholic Church contraception song. I have a copy of the 1977 Women’s Liberation Conferen...

Being rebuffed made me realise I was gay

Bernard, born 1958, said he was aware of experiencing same-sex interest in his teens but “Growing up in Catholic Ireland we didn’t know much about gays so I didn’t understand what it was.” Bernard arrived in Birmingham in 1982...