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The Freak in Brum


aka Joan Ferguson from appeared at nightclub.

Reported by 'Lesbian and Gay News West Midlands' February 1992.

Tin Tins pulled of a minor coup with the appearance at the club of Maggie Kirkpatrick (a.k.a. Joan Ferguson - the freak). Several of the staff had dressed the part. Warders uniforms seemed the most popular. In keeping with the spirit of the evening the restaurant laid on a "Wentworth Special" of minced beef and boiled potatoes, served on a prison tray! Playing to a packed audience Maggie Killpatrick rapidly proved that there is more to her than her Prisoner incarnation. She had the audience eating out of her hand. Speaking of which she auctioned off a number of single leather gloves, the proceeds of which went to the Birmingham AIDS Charities - a cause she readily endorsed.

Contributed by: Lesbian and Gay News West Midlands, 16

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