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November 2005

In November 2005 gathered a group of women artists who wanted an opportunity to work together, and the means to display their work, and '' was born.

During May Bank Holiday weekend, the first Artpride took place during Birmingham , with a stall, and a small exhibition over three venues, including the Bar or so.

By , the group, now formally constituted and with a small Committee, chaired by its founder, ,
had secured a small National grant, and was able to expand the scope and scale of their exhibition that year.

currently has around 30 women involved of whom a small caucus attend regular meetings at . The ArtPride membership is very diverse including people who identify as lesbian, gay, queer, transgendered, disabled, registered disabled, persons with mental illnesses and people from ethnic minorities (Afro Caribbean). The age range is from 27 up to 65 years old.

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