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Wild times at the Silver Slipper


“There was the toilet in St Stevenson’s Place, which used to go down and round and up again, the steps, and the most notorious one of course was the Silver Slipper in Station Street, which is now demolished and filled in. But also, at the other end of Station Street, where the Birmingham Rep was, and the Tatler Cinema, which was outrageous, if you went in there, there was the old market hall, which was only the walls of the market hall standing, all the rest had been bombed, but underneath the steps, there was a toilet, and it used to go in one way and out the other, and that was wild. You used to see them dashing out, at night, to catch their last bus over the road. It was a nice life, it was grand, I had a lovely time.”

Contributed by: Trevor Hall, 76

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