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We know about men so we'll apply it to lesbians!


Catherine is concerned about issues. “We need funding to undertake a cohort study, and to look at previous research. Sexual orientation is not routinely collected data; people are asked about everything else but this”. Catherine has also been lobbying to try to get this included as a question in the 2011 Census.
Catherine would like funding for a realistic study on death rates and comparability on auto-immune, heart disease amongst lesbians and on best way to provide health services to lesbians. “Ethnic groups get diversity funding but there is nothing for lesbians and gay men on physical and mental health”. There is a serious lack of awareness and understanding of the issues. The Medical Research Council has turned down her request for funding; apparently they couldn’t see that there was a need for research. Catherine said that “One peer reviewer said we know a lot about gay men’s health so we can apply that to lesbians!”

Catherine collared Professor Liam Donaldson, (the Chief Medical Officer of the NHS) at a conference in 2007 and asked if he know the death rates for lesbians; he didn’t.

Contributed by: Catherine M, 47

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