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The first Pride Ball in 1998


"Out of the first , to fundraise came the Gay . I suggested we all invite our solicitors, accountants, doctors, dentists, hence why the Ball is 50% gay, it’s friends, families, associates, it’s become a business. The first Pride Ball was in 1998, some time after the first Pride. Myself and (then the manager of the ), would go on stage, it was called the Bill and Phil Road show, and that was the only way we could raise funds, by emotionally blackmailing people from the stage, saying ‘hello, nice to see you two together again’ – we had to, it was very small, very nice, but not the best way. Unfortunately now the money that it takes to put it on , was enough to stage Gay Pride itself (then). Things have moved on apace."

Contributed by: Bill Gavan, 56

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