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Super Pricks 88


The following article from 'In the Pink' July 1998 talks about the planned Super Pricks '88 event.



At The on Thursday 25th August, just before the Birmingham Super Prix, the has arranged its Super Pricks '88 Event with the help of the management and .

There will be FREE condoms lubricants, Hot and Healthy Comics and other goodies. Displays of massage will be given by one of the city's leading masseurs to any willing volunteers. Members of the group will be about to answer questions on Safer Sex or any other health matter. The emphasis will be on how much fun gay men can have while having life-saving sex.
Gay men, who work for the Health Authorities as well as other
involved in , , Gay and other individuals, have been planning the event for the last few months. The event has been helped by a donation from the management of Peacocks (at the New Imperial Hotel).
We've reprinted two frames from the comics, if you want to find out what happens, come to the event and get you FREE copy.

Contributed by: In The Pink, 21

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