Events tagged with "Gay Education Group"
Gay Education Group
The Gay Education Group was a sub group of Birmingham Gay Liberation Front, they produced a pamphlet called Growing up Homosexual which was widely sold....
Memories tagged with "Gay Education Group"
A sex education pamphlet
“The Gay Education Group (of the Gay Liberation Front) also produced a sex education pamphlet called ‘Growing Up Homosexual’, which we then sold, we sold quite a lot nationally. We had help from Martin Cole who was a biologist who gave us some rather...
Draft VD leaflet
The following text is a draft VD lealfet aimed at the LGBT community in the mid 1970s.Birmingham Gay Education Group. 3rd Draft Dec. 1976 VD Leaflet.'What is VD ?'For a start, VD is not a punishable sin it is a bac...
The University of Birmingham’s first Gay Society, (GaySoc) was set up in 1974 by Chris Stevens and me. There had been an un-official group of gay students (mainly boys) at the university since around 1968, but this was one was the first to be off...
Printing the GLF newsletter and Gladrag
"The Birmingham Gay Liberation Front Newsletter was produced between 1971 and 1974, there were only about 4 or 5 five editions published. They were printed using one of those old hand-cranked Gestetner duplicators. You had...
Transformation from CHE to GLF 1971
Nick talks about the political and physical transition from CHE into the Gay Liberation Front (GLF) in the early 70s. "Before we moved to the Peace Centre, our first place in Birmingham was the Quakers Meeting House, we met there for nearly two...
Varied membership of University GaySoc, 1974
The University of Birmingham’s first Gay Society, (GaySoc) was set up in 1974 by Chris Stevens and me. There had been an un-official group of gay students (mainly boys) at the university since around 1968, but this was one was the first to b...