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Sleeping around before the AIDS crisis 1970s


Sleeping around before the AIDS crisis
“It was the era of non-monogamy (snort) – this was when a lot of us didn’t have jobs, you couldn’t have a job and have time to be non-monogamous, maybe as a guy because they don’t do all that relationship stuff; this is the time after the sexual revolution, and before AIDS so men were having a lovely time screwing around, and we were doing that too, we just had a lot more emotional stuff going on. One man got scabies, so we sat in the coffee room, saying, ‘He’s sleeping with so-and-so who’s also sleeping with so-and-so, the guys, and he is sleeping with her as well, and she’s sleeping with me…… and I’m sleeping with so-and-so….’. So we went to the guy and said, ‘We’ve made this connect contact list, so will you sort this out very quickly because if any of us get this your life is not going to be worth living’ – (mimics guy whispering) ‘It’s OK, I’ll sort it out, it’s in hand…….’ “(laughter)

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