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Opening Guys Limited Nightclub


"In 1966 John (Walters) found some premises in the old , down the bottom of Bromsgrove St, where the fruit and vegetable market is now, which was a beatnik café. (The walls) were papier mache to make them look like caves.

"I was 17 then and John wanted me to come out the to run that, with him. The other sugar daddy also offered to buy me out the Navy so I came out the Navy at 17, having just done a year there, mind you I was always sea sick!

"We opened '' in 1966 and the first Saturday night we had about nine people, the second Saturday we had about 25 - 30 and then it just grew and grew. When it opened I was behind the bar and John was on the door, and a few weeks later, I went on the door, and John mingled, and then we got busier and busier, and I mingled as well. It was all word of mouth.

Guys had a 10.30p.m. licence although we used to serve coffees till 2.00 a.m. with 'something in them'.

Then the premises came up for lease next door, so my father knocked through the basement and we built another bar in there and made it twice as big.

Contributed by: Keith Campbell, 58

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