Events tagged with "women's events"
Birmingham City Council Women's Unit
Around 1981 Birmingham City Council set up a Women's Unit. This organised and funded various initiatives and women only events over the next decade.They organised a number of Women's Festivals and other events around International Women's Day.The Bir...
Women's discos and other events
Women had been organising women only events since the 1970s. These women's events usually served a dual purpose, both fund raising for various causes, and providing a women only space for socialising. Along side this, and given the lack of women's ac...
Memories tagged with "women's events"
A mixed bunch on Lesbian Line
Catherine volunteered on the second incarnation of Lesbian Line. “Pat Howie got us a room in the Custard Factory. There were 8 volunteers, a mix of people, with no budget, it was a bit of a mess, but we kept going for a couple of years. We didn’t get...
Womens eventst came and went 70s and 80s
Very little for women (in the 70s and 80s)“There wasn’t anything specific specifically except women did try to set up stuff. They (women's events) all came and went like they do in London. The Greyhound Pub had a night for dykes and then that closed....
Women’s music scene
Belinda was also involved in the alternative women's music scene, establishing a reputation as a lesbian feminist musician. Before she came to Birmingham “I had a brief moment of fame in London with two other women, each performing their own material...