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Events tagged with "older lesbians"

Older lesbians and gay men

As lesbians and gay men age, they are increasingly likely to use services such as health care, social care, residential care they have to consider whether or not to disclose their sexuality. For many, growing up in times when homosexuality was taboo,...

Memories tagged with "older lesbians"

Having a ball at the Pink Picnic - July 2007

Steve describes an event organised by Birmingham Pride Community Trust: �The Pink Picnic was in Cannon Hill Park in July 2007, more than 100 people met up, played cricket, had a picnic and enjoyed the sunshine. What was great about the Pink Picnic wa...

Henrietta's Out

�'Henrietta's Out� was a social mailing list operating in the late nineties, I was briefly on the list, and incorporated the Boot Women list, there would be various social gatherings, such as older lesbians' events and an International Women's Day ev...

No age division in the 80s

�When I was in my early twenties (in the 80s) the women I was mixing with were in their twenties and thirties and a few in their forties and fifties. There were a lot of older lesbians around, in their forties, who are still around now but don�t part...