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Events tagged with "AZT"


In 1989 trials were concluded of the drug AZT (Azidothymidine) which was shown to slow progression to AIDS in HIV positive individuals. This was not a cure and came at a heavy price with often debilitating side effects, although it did prolong l...

HIV the early years

In the early years of the HIV epidemic the medical establishment could provide no solution to the crisis; infection with HIV often led to AIDS which meant a slow and painful death. This period is now commonly referred to as the AIDS crisis and gay co...

Memories tagged with "AZT"

Lost friends

Malcolm talks about the devastating affect HIV/AIDS had on the gay community and him personally. He is HIV positive himself and he lost his partner, whom he had been with for 25 years.“My partner died a year before the anti-retrovirals became availab...

Stigma in the health service

(Talking about his own and his partner’s treatment for HIV): “He had a very difficult time, it was at a time when there was very distinct hysteria about medical staff with HIV. I think he delayed diagnosing because of that, although I don’t think it ...

What the papers Didn't say about AZT

This article, from the AIDS lifeline newsletter and published in September 1993, explores the use of AZT in treating AIDS.What The Papers Didn't Say About AZTIn this article we're going to try to respond to the media stories which have given some qui...