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It kind of burnt down


is a bar on Hurst Street. “It kind of burnt down (I couldn’t believe it) then built up again”. Becky feels that the old Angels, pre-rennovation was much more comfortable. “When I first came out (2002/4) it was a lot better than it is now. It had a couple of pool tables that weren’t the brand spanking new tables. The balls weren’t perfect. Not perfect walls. Not flat screen TVs. The tables didn’t have little cards on them. The sofas were just chilled out sofas. You didn’t want that. You were more interested in cheaper beer than anything else. It had an atmosphere of easygoingness about it. A lot of students and ex-students went there and just people who wanted to chill on a Saturday. Somewhere where you could just wear a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. You didn’t have to dress up. You didn’t have to worry what other people are going to look at you. Groups of people, just mates, friends, just wanted a game of pool and a pint. Probably younger 18 -30, rather than any other age group. I felt really comfortable in there and I was 25. It was a good mix of people 50/50 men and women. At certain times of the day you would get more guys or more women. Women are more into the kind of afternoony playing pool and having a pint. Towards the evening you would see more guys.

Contributed by: Becky Tebbett, 27

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