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Getting involved in GLF


“Les, another student at Keele University, went to the first meeting of London () at LSE (London School of Economics). I hardly knew him but he had identified me as gay. He came straight up to me and said, ‘You’re gay aren’t you?’ and said that we must start a [Gay Liberation Front
 group at the university. So I sort of took the plunge really, a few of us started leafleting the refectories and halls of residence. This was at the end of 1971 when GLF was taking off; lots of universities had groups starting in them. I read the GLF manifesto, which Les gave me and it blew my mind. It seemed so undeniable, true and obvious, from then on I was radicalised. I had been a socialist from an early age and it () fitted in with that, I had left for university in 1968 and it was an exciting time in left politics.”

Contributed by: Malcolm Gibb, 58

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