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Being the out gay Councillor


“I am the for Ward, there are precious few lesbians and gay men in Longbridge, and my activity with the lesbian and gay community doesn’t win votes for me; I guess there’s an argument that it might lose votes, I’m not particularly worried about that. I’ve always been acutely aware that I never wanted to be ‘the gay councillor’ though there are occasions where I have been. The upside is that has achieved me some status within the gay community, and I hope to continue to benefit from well meaning individuals who have been sterling support for my election campaigns because they think I am a useful person to have on the and they have wanted to see me stay there”.

“Being a Councillor is a job that I am still learning about, I seek to shape and influence, I’m not one to make rousing speeches; I understand the system and how those discussions behind the scenes shape, influence and support and guide, so I’ve been the kind of person the Committee have called when it’s all going pear-shaped two days before the event. I’ve been the person that’s been sought out if there’s a particular issue. I’ve always been quite assertive when I’ve come across things in my day to day council business, I’ve had the portfolio for adults and communities, and for housing, if I’ve seen things where there has been manifest injustice I’ve asked the question, ‘What does this mean for lesbians and gay men?’ because I think those questions need to be asked. I wish I wasn’t the only person asking them but if I set the example, I hope it might be a question that will be emulated by others as well. I can’t claim that I’ve changed the world, and I think there’s a long way to go on the City Council, but I think there have been certainly in the last five years, tremendous strides, where I’ve made it known that I’ve been keeping a careful watching brief".

Contributed by: Steve Bedser, 41

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