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Lesbian and gay activism

January 1970 to December 1989

The seventies and eighties were the heyday of political activism and community mobilisation at grassroots level within the growing lesbian and gay communit(ies) (as there was a degree of gender separation in some of these activities). Disseminating information through production, distribution and sales of newsletters, pamphlets or books; campaigning, picketing, marching, demonstrating, organising coaches, letter writing, banner waving, setting up groups, centres: you name it, lesbians and gay men in Birmingham were doing it.

Look under lesbian and gay centres; gay, lesbian and women's press/publications; Gay Liberation Front, Clause 28 marches; Women's Liberation Movement; and women's (feminist) groups and organisations; just for starters. You may notice that some names come up associated with various reports and memories of these activities.

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